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Associations professionnelles

Pays-Bas, Codart

Nota revisada el 09/08/2013

CODART is a vibrant international network involving more than 500 curators of Dutch and Flemish painting, whose goal is to promote exchanges between experts in order to raise awareness of the artistic heritage of the Low Countries from before 1800. The complete list of participating curators by country, city, and institution not only gives access to useful member profiles, but also maps the distribution of Dutch and Flemish art in public collections worldwide. According to the site, it has featured over 660 news items since 2004 and has announced nearly 2,500 exhibitions and events in 52 countries since 1999 (email notification is possible). Indeed, CODART offers a wealth of information, including a research guide for curators and recommended bibliographies. The CODART Courant, a 24-page, biannual newsletter available for download, highlights the research of its members and the initiatives of associated institutions in the field of Dutch and Flemish art.

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