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Pays-Bas, Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren

Notice révisée le 09/08/2013

In the ten years since its inception, the DBNL has become an essential resource for anyone studying the language, literature or cultural history of the Netherlands. Its collection of over 20,000 digitized texts by Dutch-speaking authors – novels, theater and poetry, but also book reviews, articles, non-fiction, and even audio and video clips –is enriched with biographical information on the authors and links to secondary sources. Though focused primarily on literature, it also has holdings of art historical interest. A search for non-fiction -> kunstgeschiedenis returns a list of 48 publications on art history, including such fundamental documents as Karel van Mander’s Schilder-Boeck (1604), Gerard de Lairesse’s Groot Schilderboek (1707), and more recent publications like the legendary exhibition catalogue Tot lering en vermaak (1976).

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